Thursday, September 06, 2007

Rivers of Love

Silent Whisperings . . . .
Rivers of Love
Rev. Lainie Dowell (c) 2007.

Rivers of Love.
Come and flood my soul and
Overtake this hatred that has washed up
Into the desolate shores of my
Life-long journey.

Swept up in the tides of pain.
Carried along by the pursuing grief.
Created by the cesspools of sin.
Mired down in the shame of flesh.

Repulsed by the stench of death.

Rivers of Love.
Come cleanse this flesh.
Herein reside.
Herein abide.
Herein hide me in God's righteousness.
I want you to know I realize that everyday is not
a beautiful day. Most times it is neither pretty
nor lovely. It just is. But, we want every day to be
more than all the days that went before each day
that God sends.

I believe the most beauteous of all days is when
we awaken once more and thank God,for He has
done it yet again. And, even if we can only whisper
it to the wind and know it is carried from this place
to even the Holy of Holies, then we can rest in the
smile of that day, as we travel along the way.

"When your father and your mother forsake you,
then I will take you up," says the Lord.

When none but God understands,we can take delight
in knowing that is true and forget the silence that meets
us in return when we try to articulate that which even
we are unable to explain to ourselves let alone to another.

For, we walk in the footsteps of Jesus and press into the
deep crevices with each step as we go -- never once
realizing that it is not our feet that are touching the
earth, but His alone.

How do you walk in the footsteps of Jesus when your
feet are not needed in order to do it?
For, wherever Jesus is --- when we meet --
we don't need any feet.

God's walk in plain talk.
The inwardess of a new dawn in which
to press on towards a better day.

And just how is your day?
Jesus, Himself, paves the way.
Step into it and He will carry you this day.

Jesus? I heard my heart pray.
May I walk along with you today?

"No greater love has any (person) than this,
that they would lay down their life for a friend."

And, so it goes --- Even when that friend does not
believe their life is worth another's faithful sacrifice.
And, after all, did not our Lord give His life to pay
that price?

But, who can understand who is content to be alone
and still remain in that state even without God?

God bless you. God bless America.
God bless all who paid the ultimate price.
God bless all who cannot understand, to do so.

God bless us --- You, me, and we --
Who find a narrow space and move aside for
the Lord to enlarge it to make room for us to
receive more of God's grace.

Is your space enlarged today?

Even so, come Lord Jesus.
Amen, says the Amen of Amens.

Touching Heaven gently touching me praying,
as I go His way. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Copyright (c) 2007. Rev. Lainie Dowell.
The Mountainside Ministries. Columbia, MD.
All rights reserved worldwide.
Received Thursday, August 16, 2007, 8:30 A.M. EST

REMEMBER, Everybody is invited to share, as led.

Praying as I go, because prayer is my fulltime preoccupation.


I am named by God to be ~

-Five-Fold Minister
-Wearer of the Mantle of The Office of Prophetess
-Wearer of the Iron Robe
-Silent Thunder
-God's Warrior Woman
-God's Emissary of War


Copyright © 1999-2011. The Mountainside Ministries.
Columbia, MD. All rights reserved worldwide.

Attribution. Request written permission.

I am Christian.
"I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ."