Friday, January 04, 2008

The Windows Are Closing

The windows are closing.
The synergy between the here and the now has arrived.

Solitude is encased in the wrap around time called eternity.
Senseless trials and dreams have appeared to be so only
to those who have been bereft of trials and dreams.

Are there any such people?

Hidden away in their closets of despair, they detested
the freedoms that have eluded them. And, they didn't
even know they were there much less had passed them by.

The windows are closing and they have failed to hold them
open --- as if they could. Oh, if they only would.

The windows are closing.
The doors are locked from without and within.

Who shut the doors?
Who closed the windows?

Where are the panes?
Where are the knobs?
Where is the building?
Where are the floors?

The windows are closed.
The people are without remorse.

Copyright (c) 2007. Rev. Lainie Dowell.
The Mountainside Ministries.
Columbia, MD. All rights reserved worldwide.
Rec'd Tues., Dec. 25, 2007, 6:08 A.M. EST.
(Christmas Day)

Praying as I go, because prayer is my fulltime preoccupation.


I am named by God to be ~

-Five-Fold Minister
-Wearer of the Mantle of The Office of Prophetess
-Wearer of the Iron Robe
-Silent Thunder
-God's Warrior Woman
-God's Emissary of War


Copyright © 1999-2011. The Mountainside Ministries.
Columbia, MD. All rights reserved worldwide.

Attribution. Request written permission.

I am Christian.
"I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ."