I am truly thankful to God for giving to each and
every one of us from out of His great treasures.
May this be the start of a great beginning for you
all both now and in the days and years to come,
if the Lord tarries! For, in Him, we are never alone.
And, through Him, we have a great big pile of leaves
to jump into and a warm, crackling fire to heat you.
Thank you for joining us.
In this time of Thanksgiving, we support all of our
troops and coalition forces, and our Commander in Chief.
Sending much love to all in this, our time
of Thanksgiving.
Thursday, November 24, 2005
Friday, November 04, 2005
The Wind Says Jesus
Deep Whisperings. . .
The wind says Jesus
as it rushes through the trees
touching every branch and twig
and whistling through the leaves
The wind blows heavenward
breezes upward to the sky
far away to yonder Golden Gate
beneath God's watchful eye
The wind calls forth to angels
waiting near to God's Throne,
"Hasten nigh the Master's call
He who rules alone."
The wind stills to listen calmly
and readies to obey
Him who guides invisible paths
all along the hidden way
The wind says Jesus
and flows without cease
until the Master says,
"Hush, be still,
I send forth sweet release."
The wind says,
"Jesus, may I walk with Thee
and listen to Thy matchless voice
as You talk with me?"
And Jesus says back to the wind . . .
"Come now wind I want you to
carry this word and say it in all the
earth, I have heard ~ Such was My birth.
I walked and talked with men.
My flesh is the same as theirs.
But ~
I Am He who knew no sin.
I Am everywhere.
Soon all in all this earth shall know
My wind shall blow when I say,
There shall be no turning back.
For, when I left from upon the earth,
all things remained on track."
Beloved, Happy Sabbath Day (Sunday) to All.
May tomorrow find you and
May you find tomorrow better still.
(Remember, All are welcomed to share, as led.)
Silent Thunder! Holy Ghost Fire!
Wearer of the Iron Robe!
Lord, help us grow deeper. . .
Copyright (c) 2005. Rev. Lainie Dowell.
The Mountainside Ministries.
Columbia, MD. All rights reserved worldwide.
Rec'd Saturday, October 29, 2005, 7:29 P.M. EST
A Shepherd Woman's Heart ~ Shepherdess
The wind says Jesus
as it rushes through the trees
touching every branch and twig
and whistling through the leaves
The wind blows heavenward
breezes upward to the sky
far away to yonder Golden Gate
beneath God's watchful eye
The wind calls forth to angels
waiting near to God's Throne,
"Hasten nigh the Master's call
He who rules alone."
The wind stills to listen calmly
and readies to obey
Him who guides invisible paths
all along the hidden way
The wind says Jesus
and flows without cease
until the Master says,
"Hush, be still,
I send forth sweet release."
The wind says,
"Jesus, may I walk with Thee
and listen to Thy matchless voice
as You talk with me?"
And Jesus says back to the wind . . .
"Come now wind I want you to
carry this word and say it in all the
earth, I have heard ~ Such was My birth.
I walked and talked with men.
My flesh is the same as theirs.
But ~
I Am He who knew no sin.
I Am everywhere.
Soon all in all this earth shall know
My wind shall blow when I say,
There shall be no turning back.
For, when I left from upon the earth,
all things remained on track."
Beloved, Happy Sabbath Day (Sunday) to All.
May tomorrow find you and
May you find tomorrow better still.
(Remember, All are welcomed to share, as led.)
Silent Thunder! Holy Ghost Fire!
Wearer of the Iron Robe!
Lord, help us grow deeper. . .
Copyright (c) 2005. Rev. Lainie Dowell.
The Mountainside Ministries.
Columbia, MD. All rights reserved worldwide.
Rec'd Saturday, October 29, 2005, 7:29 P.M. EST
A Shepherd Woman's Heart ~ Shepherdess
Thursday, November 03, 2005
The Branch and the True Vine
It is time to ~
Look past the voluminous pages called
lust for life.
Search over the rustling leaves called
faces from the past.
Sift through the rugged paths called
pride of the eyes.
Sit alongside the silent branches called
voices faded away with time.
And ~
The silence speaks of many things never
before made known, because all those voices
hid themselves behind the paths strewn with
pages from yesterday, which became over
grown by new leaves and stepped away.
And today walks right by the old without
notice of what was once brand new.
But yesterday shall be today's moment
when tomorrow appears.
And who shall take notice to lament a
longside the old leaves, when the new
leaves begin to fall without hearing the
tales the branches have waited for so long
to tell?
Ah, Mr. Branch?!
What a tale you have to tell.
Before the leaves.
Before your voices fell silent.
Before the paths of pages became twisted.
Before yesterday turned away from today
and tomorrow would not wait on time
Before tomorrow becomes today and
today becomes yesterday --
who will sit still and wait long enough to
know the One who holds all time?
The Branch and The True Vine keep all
time and wait.
Will you?
Hunger and thirst after Him who plants
the calendar and turns the dial on the face
of time for all time until He calls,
"Time! Be no more."
Growing deeper!
Lord, drive us deeper in Thee.
In Jesus' name. Amen.
Throneseeker! Wearer of the Iron Robe
Copyright (c) 2005. Rev. Lainie Dowell.
The Mountainside Ministries.
Columbia, MD. All rights reserved worldwide.
Received Tuesday, November 1, 2005, 11:08 A.M. EST
A Shepherd Woman's Heart~ Shepherdess
Look past the voluminous pages called
lust for life.
Search over the rustling leaves called
faces from the past.
Sift through the rugged paths called
pride of the eyes.
Sit alongside the silent branches called
voices faded away with time.
And ~
The silence speaks of many things never
before made known, because all those voices
hid themselves behind the paths strewn with
pages from yesterday, which became over
grown by new leaves and stepped away.
And today walks right by the old without
notice of what was once brand new.
But yesterday shall be today's moment
when tomorrow appears.
And who shall take notice to lament a
longside the old leaves, when the new
leaves begin to fall without hearing the
tales the branches have waited for so long
to tell?
Ah, Mr. Branch?!
What a tale you have to tell.
Before the leaves.
Before your voices fell silent.
Before the paths of pages became twisted.
Before yesterday turned away from today
and tomorrow would not wait on time
Before tomorrow becomes today and
today becomes yesterday --
who will sit still and wait long enough to
know the One who holds all time?
The Branch and The True Vine keep all
time and wait.
Will you?
Hunger and thirst after Him who plants
the calendar and turns the dial on the face
of time for all time until He calls,
"Time! Be no more."
Growing deeper!
Lord, drive us deeper in Thee.
In Jesus' name. Amen.
Throneseeker! Wearer of the Iron Robe
Copyright (c) 2005. Rev. Lainie Dowell.
The Mountainside Ministries.
Columbia, MD. All rights reserved worldwide.
Received Tuesday, November 1, 2005, 11:08 A.M. EST
A Shepherd Woman's Heart~ Shepherdess
Push My Boat Afloat
Deep Whisperings . . . Survivors of Katrina
And In Memory of All Who Did Not
Push my boat afloat, Lord God.
It has become bogged down in the muck
and mire of life's byways and highways,
twisted trails, and those crooked pathways.
It lies somewhere off the beaten path where the
once sturdy and strong structures have collapsed
that had withstood but could not stand under the
weight of the storms.
Lord, I am not asking for a sail.
My boat cannot float.
It is stuck -- surrounded by the debris in dark,
muddy waters.
Closed off from the cool, clear,
crystal streams of glory.
It is choked.
In a struggle for air.
Fresh air.
But, Lord, if you would but send forth
just a puff of wind, I know that my boat
will no longer need to float.
It will lift off and sail far above that rubble.
And that one puff of Your wind will surely
keep my boat afloat, as it winds its way to
Your Thone.
Beloved, in the same way that Paul admonished, if you are
struggling in deep waters trying to make it in on bits and
broken pieces, then you can go a long ways on a puff of air.
When God is the One who puffs, just hold on to the bits and
broken pieces.
Your puffing will wear you out.
God's puffing will rejuvenate you.
And all God's children said, "Amen!"
Copyright (c) 2005. Rev. Lainie Dowell.
The Mountainside Ministries. Columbia, MD.
All rights reserved worldwide.
Rec'd Thurs., Nov. 3, 2005, 11:49 A.M. EST.
And In Memory of All Who Did Not
Push my boat afloat, Lord God.
It has become bogged down in the muck
and mire of life's byways and highways,
twisted trails, and those crooked pathways.
It lies somewhere off the beaten path where the
once sturdy and strong structures have collapsed
that had withstood but could not stand under the
weight of the storms.
Lord, I am not asking for a sail.
My boat cannot float.
It is stuck -- surrounded by the debris in dark,
muddy waters.
Closed off from the cool, clear,
crystal streams of glory.
It is choked.
In a struggle for air.
Fresh air.
But, Lord, if you would but send forth
just a puff of wind, I know that my boat
will no longer need to float.
It will lift off and sail far above that rubble.
And that one puff of Your wind will surely
keep my boat afloat, as it winds its way to
Your Thone.
Beloved, in the same way that Paul admonished, if you are
struggling in deep waters trying to make it in on bits and
broken pieces, then you can go a long ways on a puff of air.
When God is the One who puffs, just hold on to the bits and
broken pieces.
Your puffing will wear you out.
God's puffing will rejuvenate you.
And all God's children said, "Amen!"
Copyright (c) 2005. Rev. Lainie Dowell.
The Mountainside Ministries. Columbia, MD.
All rights reserved worldwide.
Rec'd Thurs., Nov. 3, 2005, 11:49 A.M. EST.
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
Holy Spirit Brings Good News
Let others go their way and do as they must,
for your path is not theirs.
Yes, there is but one way to My Throne.
Jesus Christ is the way. And, although you
meet others as they pass by, let them pass by.
Let them go.
Your goal is in the getting there.
That is a noble and true goal.
Do not allow it to be clouded over by all
the many side trips that come along
your path.
Fret not that your actions appear
to be nil -- and rightly so --
for it is not you who do these things,
but it is I who move ahead of you to
shield your activity from view lest
your enemies fully overtake you to
utterly block your every move.
Here, let Me show you this.
Touch My face and know I the Lord
thy God shall yet once more shield
you from sight.
Go, then, in peace.
I say again, "Fret not."
Copyright (c) 2005. Rev. Lainie Dowell.
The Mountainside Ministries.
Columbia, MD. All rights reserved worldwide.
Received Friday, June 17, 2005, 11:48 A.M. EST
for your path is not theirs.
Yes, there is but one way to My Throne.
Jesus Christ is the way. And, although you
meet others as they pass by, let them pass by.
Let them go.
Your goal is in the getting there.
That is a noble and true goal.
Do not allow it to be clouded over by all
the many side trips that come along
your path.
Fret not that your actions appear
to be nil -- and rightly so --
for it is not you who do these things,
but it is I who move ahead of you to
shield your activity from view lest
your enemies fully overtake you to
utterly block your every move.
Here, let Me show you this.
Touch My face and know I the Lord
thy God shall yet once more shield
you from sight.
Go, then, in peace.
I say again, "Fret not."
Copyright (c) 2005. Rev. Lainie Dowell.
The Mountainside Ministries.
Columbia, MD. All rights reserved worldwide.
Received Friday, June 17, 2005, 11:48 A.M. EST
I Come As Softly As I Can
I come as softly as I can
Before the Throne of God
Who lives and reigns over all things
Wherever mankind has trod
Breathing ever so slightly
Filling my lungs with air
Spilled out upon the runway of life
Ahead of me, I stare
Splashed down from the nearest cloud
Where I look up to see
Under the deep, blue sky above
God looks down on me
Wondrous of all things
Golden, Pure and Holy
I see You, Father,
My God solely
Fresh steps await
I dare turn and stretch forth my arm
To reach out to my God for whom I long
I come as softly as I can
No pitter patter and idle chatter
I come as softly as I can
But no matter
Before I reach my destination
God whispers who reigns over all creation
My child, precious, dear, and sweet
Stay! For where I Am
You don't need feet.
Copyright (c) 2005. Rev. Lainie Dowell.
The Mountainside Ministries.
Columbia, MD. All rights reserved worldwide.
Received Thursday, September 15, 2005, 1:29 A.M. EST
Join A Quieted Heart Ring of Poetry
I come as softly as I can
Before the Throne of God
Who lives and reigns over all things
Wherever mankind has trod
Breathing ever so slightly
Filling my lungs with air
Spilled out upon the runway of life
Ahead of me, I stare
Splashed down from the nearest cloud
Where I look up to see
Under the deep, blue sky above
God looks down on me
Wondrous of all things
Golden, Pure and Holy
I see You, Father,
My God solely
Fresh steps await
I dare turn and stretch forth my arm
To reach out to my God for whom I long
I come as softly as I can
No pitter patter and idle chatter
I come as softly as I can
But no matter
Before I reach my destination
God whispers who reigns over all creation
My child, precious, dear, and sweet
Stay! For where I Am
You don't need feet.
Copyright (c) 2005. Rev. Lainie Dowell.
The Mountainside Ministries.
Columbia, MD. All rights reserved worldwide.
Received Thursday, September 15, 2005, 1:29 A.M. EST
Join A Quieted Heart Ring of Poetry
The Mountainous Bride of God
How much are you in tune to God?
How much are you in tune to the Lord?
The Mountainous Bride of God is.
And she knows when to move out to cover all
who need the shield of the Lord to cover all
over them.
Many times we are oh driven to be afar from
the face of God and, when we are is when
we need an anchor to hold us in place.
The Man of God!
Jesus Christ of Nazareth and all of His
power can oh how much it can oh surround
you and keep you from all harm.
Many times -- So many times!
We are ah making out of nothing a lot
of nothing.
Stand forth and listen!
The word of the Lord unto you.
Stand near that tree trunk and there shall
I come out to meet with you and ah how shall
I ah talk with you when you are nowhere near
to My mouth, saith the Lord God.
Washed in the blood and dressed down in the
righteousness of God.
The men and women who oh walk out of the
soldier force of God into the camp of the enemy
and Amen and wait there for the Lord to appear
shall never be alone -- without the Lord God.
Without the Lord God, there shall be no more
words to speak forth in all the earth.
Copyright (c) 2005. Rev. Lainie Dowell.
The Mountainside Ministries.
Columbia, MD. All rights reserved worldwide.
Received Friday, May 20, 2005, 5:08 P.M. EST
How much are you in tune to the Lord?
The Mountainous Bride of God is.
And she knows when to move out to cover all
who need the shield of the Lord to cover all
over them.
Many times we are oh driven to be afar from
the face of God and, when we are is when
we need an anchor to hold us in place.
The Man of God!
Jesus Christ of Nazareth and all of His
power can oh how much it can oh surround
you and keep you from all harm.
Many times -- So many times!
We are ah making out of nothing a lot
of nothing.
Stand forth and listen!
The word of the Lord unto you.
Stand near that tree trunk and there shall
I come out to meet with you and ah how shall
I ah talk with you when you are nowhere near
to My mouth, saith the Lord God.
Washed in the blood and dressed down in the
righteousness of God.
The men and women who oh walk out of the
soldier force of God into the camp of the enemy
and Amen and wait there for the Lord to appear
shall never be alone -- without the Lord God.
Without the Lord God, there shall be no more
words to speak forth in all the earth.
Copyright (c) 2005. Rev. Lainie Dowell.
The Mountainside Ministries.
Columbia, MD. All rights reserved worldwide.
Received Friday, May 20, 2005, 5:08 P.M. EST
Comfort Beyond All Oppression
The Words of Faith!
Faith words are arranged in the order
of necessity.
Can you think of any that are more
necessary than these?
Faith carries with it uplifting power.
Faith has enabling power.
Faith has more power in its fulness and
does not diminish even in its smallest amount.
Faith Can Be Beautiful
when that one who possesses it - Ah -
will take a look and see Jesus!
Walk over to that bridge and peer across that great divide.
Can you see it?
There at that midway point is the most wonderful
ever a person oh that man has ever seen.
If he would but step a little closer surely you could
see how much he looks like a man that would not leave
you comfortless.
This is that man who rules all heaven earth and
over all creation.
Where does he live, you ask?
His home is wherever He goes.
This man has nowhere to lay his head for He
neither slumbers nor take a catnap.
The wonderful news is this -- He is the Lord
of all mankind who believe and receive.
When He appears unto that man or woman who
He loves, He blesses them oh by His presence.
The Man Who Cares So Much For His Beloved ~
Is the Son of Man.
Is the Son of God.
Is God.
The word of the Lord God!
Telling it to you.
Worship Him and -- and -- and
find Him at His Throne.
The end.
Copyright (c) 2005. Rev. Lainie Dowell.
The Mountainside Ministries.
Columbia, MD. All rights reserved worldwide.
Received Friday, June 10, 2005, 8:36 P.M. EST
Faith words are arranged in the order
of necessity.
Can you think of any that are more
necessary than these?
Faith carries with it uplifting power.
Faith has enabling power.
Faith has more power in its fulness and
does not diminish even in its smallest amount.
Faith Can Be Beautiful
when that one who possesses it - Ah -
will take a look and see Jesus!
Walk over to that bridge and peer across that great divide.
Can you see it?
There at that midway point is the most wonderful
ever a person oh that man has ever seen.
If he would but step a little closer surely you could
see how much he looks like a man that would not leave
you comfortless.
This is that man who rules all heaven earth and
over all creation.
Where does he live, you ask?
His home is wherever He goes.
This man has nowhere to lay his head for He
neither slumbers nor take a catnap.
The wonderful news is this -- He is the Lord
of all mankind who believe and receive.
When He appears unto that man or woman who
He loves, He blesses them oh by His presence.
The Man Who Cares So Much For His Beloved ~
Is the Son of Man.
Is the Son of God.
Is God.
The word of the Lord God!
Telling it to you.
Worship Him and -- and -- and
find Him at His Throne.
The end.
Copyright (c) 2005. Rev. Lainie Dowell.
The Mountainside Ministries.
Columbia, MD. All rights reserved worldwide.
Received Friday, June 10, 2005, 8:36 P.M. EST
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Praying as I go, because prayer is my fulltime preoccupation.
I am named by God to be ~
-Five-Fold Minister
-Wearer of the Mantle of The Office of Prophetess
-Wearer of the Iron Robe
-Silent Thunder
-God's Warrior Woman
-God's Emissary of War
Copyright © 1999-2011. The Mountainside Ministries.
Columbia, MD. All rights reserved worldwide.
Attribution. Request written permission.
I am Christian.
"I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ."