Saturday, May 08, 2010

Quiet Whisperings

Quiet whisperings in the depths of my soul
Overtake me with the glow of dawn
And awaken within my innermost heart
A deeper longing for the heart of God
Most dear

For 'twas God who dipped His finger
Into the chest of man
And withdrew it to create
An even greater plan

He withdrew that rib from
Adam's cage
And set it free
Upon life's page

God fashioned that bone
As Adam slept
And a womanly shape created He
Lest we forget

The Architect of my life spoke so clear
He created her soul
And beheld her dear
For nestled deep inside her breast
God tucked His own recipe for blessedness

A pinch of salt to confess her fault
A pint of blood her heart to flood
A quart of bone so she could stand alone
A gallon of love dispensed from above

A pinch of salt
A pint of blood
A quart of bone
A gallon of love
A woman of New Birth

Far removed from the stifling cage of man
And fashioned carefully by The Master's hand
Oh the specialness of God's plan
To place a woman in the land

Who could not know?
Who could not tell?

When Jesus sat to await her at the well
That date had been on hold
For God had placed something within
Much more precious than silver or gold

Yes, God's Salvation had come down to man
But He used a woman to dispense His plan

Why, you ask, could man not see --
Woman is God's secret plan
For Eternality

Copyright (c) 2007 By Rev. Lainie Dowell.
All rights reserved worldwide.

Praying as I go, because prayer is my fulltime preoccupation.


I am named by God to be ~

-Five-Fold Minister
-Wearer of the Mantle of The Office of Prophetess
-Wearer of the Iron Robe
-Silent Thunder
-God's Warrior Woman
-God's Emissary of War


Copyright © 1999-2011. The Mountainside Ministries.
Columbia, MD. All rights reserved worldwide.

Attribution. Request written permission.

I am Christian.
"I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ."