Friday, July 29, 2011
Search The Rivers of Life
Rev. Lainie Dowell
(Received Friday, July 29, 2011 9:24 A.M.
Search the Rivers of Life,
And ~
The ripples will lead you through the streams of time
The rocks will be the pathway that undergird your footsteps
lest they should slip and throw you off course
The fish will swim close to the shoreline, greet you,
and befriend you on your journey
The tents along the edge of the rivers will be a comforting,
and oh so inviting sight of rest to your soul
The trees will be planted there
and deep will grow the roots to tell the tales of
all those who passed by on their way to
search the rivers of the ages
The sun will shine bright by day
and illuminate
swaying in the breeze
The moon will shout to the stars,
Come out! It is night -- dark -- black --
And, yet, this is that one who walks
in The Light
which is far brighter
than any light we could ever generate
The heart can tell and,
if you listen,
you shall hear sounds of welcome
from within and without the shadows
which have remained,
'til now,
unseen by seeing eyes
unheard by human ears
unknown by human scholars
Search the Rivers of Life
And ~
your spirit shall find sweet peace
Thursday, July 28, 2011
The Song That Stole My Forlorn Soul
Rev. Lainie Dowell
(Received Sunday, July 3, 2011 10:33 P.M.)
It started when a wisp of spring floated across my brow
My spirit lifted with the wind
Spring called, I'll show you how.
One melodious sound --
I marvelled
The breeze called, Draw near.
For, in the midst of present tunes,
There is a tune you need to hear.
Come fly.
Let us talk.
But, then, you must be still.
There is sweetness in store
When you do the Master's will.
Whispers ever oh so slight
Gather to join us on this flight.
A song unknown to common man
was penned so long ago
by the Master's Hand
The song that stole my forlorn soul
set me free and made me whole
It gave my life a brand new start
and brought new meaning to my heart
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Break of Day And Comes Nightfall - Prophetic
Rev. Lainie Dowell
(Received by God's Hand Tues., July 12, 2011, 6:57 a.m. EST)
The God of Heaven And Earth Commands The Obedience of All Mankind.
Mankind has found a love and in that mixture of error comes the most of all deadliest -- Most oh most of all deadliest of unions.
"For the Lord your God is a jealous God.
And, thou shalt have no other gods before Me," saith the Lord of all.
Man has been disobedient and he has ceased not to be wicked in God's eyes.
Marvel not, for if God be not God, then all life as we know it to be shall cease in an instant and shall be no more.
Marvel not, for if God be not God, then even the earth shall cease to spin on its axis and turn no more.
The floor beneath mankind's feet shall open up and swallow man in the largest grave known to mankind, and from which none shall ever escape.
Marvel not, for if the Word which emanates from the Holy Spirit of Almighty God does not speak His Word in His due season, neither shall the mind of man have an occasional respite. And the world and all that is in it shall give way to life and enter into eternal Hell and damnation from which there is no reprieve -- no repentance -- and no possible escape.
Praying as I go, because prayer is my fulltime preoccupation.
Five-Fold Minister
Wearer of the Mantle of The Office of Prophetess
Wearer of the Iron Robe
Silent Thunder
God's Warrior Woman
God's Emissary of War
Copyright © 2001-2011. The Mountainside Ministries.
Columbia, MD. All rights reserved worldwide.
Request permission.
I am Christian. I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus.
Saturday, July 09, 2011
And Then He Touched My Soul
Rev. Lainie Dowell
(Received of the Holy Spirit in 2001)
"Who touched Me?" My Master said.
'Twas I who reached out beyond the throng
'Twas I some said did not belong
'Twas I who touched His hem that day
'Twas I who received His
Healing touch to stay
'Twas I who pressed my forelorn way
To reach beyond beyond
'Twas I who touched His hem one day
But He touched me more . . .
He touched my soul
The Master came in and
where He stood
The gaze of love emanated
The rays of sunshine shone
'round about and deep within
His already brilliance
And Then He Touched me
The Master called me forth to Him
And lifted me up to His presence
And touched my welcoming soul
In that moment that He touched me
He made my wounded soul whole
He crushed my every weight
Under His beauteous feet
Master and Lord has made
me complete
And even when that teardrop falls
Is when He loves me best of all
In His touch and in His love
I swell with jubilance from above
Such that this battle I will win
He touches me and removes my deepest sin
Strange and oh so wonderful is my love for God.
Because in my flesh I have nothing He needs
But in His Spirit, I have everything
And He freely gives unto me out of His great storeroom
Whereby I can give to you my beloved
and oh so precious colleagues
As He has touched me
I touch you with all of God's sweet peace
Reverend Lainie Dowell
-Silent Thunder-
Five-Fold Baptist Minister
Copyright © 2001-2011. The Mountainside Ministries.
Columbia, MD. All rights reserved worldwide.
Request permission.
I am Christian. I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus.
Friday, July 08, 2011
God's Most Beauteous Plans Ever
Rev. Lainie Dowell
(Received of God's Spirit on Friday, July 8, 2011)
Hollowed out in the hands of God
Carved upon the scars
Lay the most beauteous plans ever
Have you been to the scene?
Have you viewed the cross?
Have you not crossed The River?
Have you not climbed The Mountain?
Have you not bowed at The Throne?
Have you not touched God's face?
Have you not heard His voice?
Have you not dared to live for Him?
Have you cared enough?
Have you cried enough?
Have you given you to God?
He who bled and died
He who came alive
He who loved so hard He cried
He who placed His plans inside
For, in you, God's beauteous plans reside
~Father God!
Hallelujah and Amen to the Father, Son, Holy Ghost!
Copyright (c) Rev. Lainie Dowell, 1999-2011.
Original Musings by Rev. Lainie Dowell
The Mountainside Ministries. Columbia, MD.
All rights reserved worldwide.
Not to be reprinted without permission.
Monday, June 27, 2011
In The Shadow of Myself
Dedicated To All of God's Warrior Women
(Received of God's Spirit on Sunday, June 26, 2011)
Rev. Lainie Dowell, Five-Fold Minister
Wearer of the Iron Robe And God's Emissary of War
In the shadow of myself, I know except the sun
shines upon me
I walk unseen and unknown
I walk alone and on my own
I walk in darkness not the light
I walk restrained as in the night
I walk unheard but I walk upright
In the shadow of myself, I know except the sun
shines upon me
No shadow walks beside me
I walk restricted, not free
No shadow walks to guide
do I see
Even though the dawn appears
It only heightens all my fears
And only when the Son
shines upon the earth's wide shelf,
do I finally see me as a mere shadow of myself
For, in the fulness of the Son
all shadows fade and run
to give way for the brightest of light
with no shadows anywhere in sight
For, in the fulness of His Spirit
I know His name is Jesus, my Savior and Lord
I know His Father is my Father
I know Him as Almighty God by His Spirit and Word
I know His voice is the Holy Spirit within
I know He came to reside inside when God
washed away my sin
I know I am His beloved, blessed, child
I know my will is lost in His wide smile
I know He hears my every cry
I know He saved a wretch such as I
I know He guides my every step
I know He leads the way
I know He lives not only yesterday but tomorrow
and today
I know He saved me by His Blood
I know He washed me in that 'whelming flood
I know He touched me and held me near
I know He is God and nothing is clearer
I know He lives because He Is
I know He is mine and I am His
And, most of all, I heard Him call
many a year ago, when He picked me up
and placed me down here below
For, the battle is here
and God's Warrior Woman will neither faint nor fear
but answer, Yes, Lord, your servant is here
I know my God is the only ONE
who shines brighter than any noonday sun
And I know that, through it all
I shall answer His every call
And though it seems so long a wait
for victory to come
And though it seems my God's work
is not yet done
Arise, God's child,
because Victory is already won!
Ride on King Jesus, is the battle cry
And none is more ready to go then I.
Many years ago, my God answered my heartfelt cry, saying,
"Lainie, not only won't I let them snatch you out of my hand,
I won't even let you jump out!"
And so it is, my God holds me still.
And people can make of that what they will.
But my God is really, really, really, really real.
And He speaks! How is it none hears? Except they are
walking in the shadow of themselves and not walking in
God's magnificent Light? For, if they truly felt His
Light, they would fear God with reverence and awe and
not glibly think themselves to be God or, worse,
to be above God.
Preaching Warrior Women of God Step Up! Don't back down.
And, if God Himself has not called you, step back or die.
God alone calls the Preacher - be they male or female.
That is not a myth or an old wives tale.
Test it and see. Test it, if you must, but be sure,
you may not test it, receive God's reply, and dismiss it.
Hallelujah and Amen to the Father, Son, Holy Ghost!
Copyright (c) Rev. Lainie Dowell, 1999-2011.
Original Musings by Rev. Lainie Dowell
The Mountainside Ministries. Columbia, MD.
All rights reserved worldwide.
Not to be reprinted without permission.
Wednesday, June 08, 2011
The Hand-Applied Seal of God - PROPHETIC
By Rev. Lainie Dowell
Received Friday, June 3, 2011, 4:13 A.M.
Grab pencil and paper.
Here it is.
Flooding the earth are zillions of cell-infused sources of hope for better days ahead.
Calming assurances flood the essence of all that is you. And in the sinews of bone and marrow reside the best part of all that has gone into your Godly makeup.
Centermost in the energetic rings of your inner core are the most of all energetic places which have yet to be revealed. And, yet, all that is revealed brings along with it that part which concerns the better part which is your DNA makeup. And, to make it over in God's likeness, there is this.
There is this
Climb up higher
Reach down no lower
Stretch wide
Plunge even deeper than you thought possible
Traverse the centermost, visionary thread which holds you to earth, as I untie it and fasten it even tighter to Me, saith the Lord of all whose name is Jesus.
Many know My name.
Many say My name.
Many think about My power.
Many have My blood.
Many want the promises of God.
Many seek to know the glory of God.
Many hush to hear My voice, saith the Lord.
Many have come in My name
Many have come in My name and sought to acquire My fame.
But, when I offer to place it in them -- they shrink from my loving arms. And, in fact, they push me back. For they do not know Me and they do not want Me. They want only for themselves what only I alone Am able to provide for all mankind.
Eternal life is free, but it is not cheap.
Nor shall I allow it to become cheapened at the hands of filthy mankind who speak with their lips but in their hearts lie the germ of death and sinful disputations.
Moral: God alone hears. God alone speaks. Mankind minic God amiss.
Mankind mimic God amiss
But God shall not miss what comes out of their lips and lands in the doorway to Hell and Damnation.
Eternality is not earned in the way of man's accolades. It is given by the Hand of God unto whom He hath deemed worthy of receipt. Man has no mind to be Godly, because they don't believe God exists.
From the Throne Room unto God's Beloved
Harken unto My voice, saith the Lord God! And then shall I lead you into the most of all pleasant and peacefilled place and teach you of the mysteries of faith.
More comes!
The end.
The man, Barack Hussein Obama, has spread venom throughout the world. The poison he has turned loose is from the minds of eratic fools of the most heinous kind. Though they are made in the likeness of man and not God, they have devised a scheme which they believe to be devious and one which will succeed. But they shall come to know I the Lord thy God hath set upon each of them that seal which shall not be removed by anyone at any time.
The Hand-Applied Seal reads
Reserved For Hell!
Do Not Remove!
Then so be it.
signed by ~
Jesus. Amen!
Copyright (c) Rev. Lainie Dowell, 1999-2011.
Original Musings by Rev. Lainie Dowell
The Mountainside Ministries. Columbia, MD.
All rights reserved worldwide.
Not to be reprinted without permission.
Friday, May 27, 2011
In The Morn Time
Thanking and Praising Him for allowing it to be thus in my life.
Praying that it will be in your lives as well.
Walking and talking with God in the fullness of joy.
Crying yet rejoicing.
Full of SHOUT(s) and
LEAP(ing) with High Praise(s)
Can you hear it??
What a meeting in the Spirit realm.
While the whole world sleeps,
God never does.
Smiling (so loudly) that His lines
Reach down and spread out and
Take hold of wandering souls who are
Gazing wistfully to know His love
Longingly pressing closer to
Hear His voice
His Word
His Heart to
Their Heart
In the early morn
Brand new dawn
Rising of the sun
New day
New beginning
New me and you
New us
Breaking through all of the
Nighttime darkness
[even with electric lights
candles and matches]
Our Father and God of all who believe on the Son Jesus -- Be with us we pray. Keep us on the path to Your eternal life in the heavens. Bid us to come unto You so much more with the passing of each day. Guide our steps as You desire such that our own flesh steps aside, runs away, and hides so that our spirits might be full in Your presence to await Your orders. Then our spirits will dictate Your Word to our flesh and it will yield, bend, break, melt, give way to Your Way for us and for all those we are privileged to serve in the Mighty name Jesus!Lifting power in Jesus' Name!
Strength and health in Jesus' Name!
Joy and Peace in Jesus' Name!
Peace, Blessed Peace.
In Jesus' Name!
We call it DONE!
In Jesus' MIghty Name.
And so it is! -Amen
And so it is!
WordSpeak Copyright (c) 1999-2011.
Original Musings by Rev. Lainie Dowell
The Mountainside Ministries. Columbia, MD.
All rights reserved worldwide.
Not to be reprinted without permission.
Praise To JAH
Lift up all praise to Jah
In your lowest of the low.
For when in the storms of life
It is only to Him you can go.
Morning light comes just
After the midnight flight.
Joy enters in on the
Wings of God's Dove and descends
To bring you all of His Great Love.
Let Him in to take the weight.
He took the blows --
Because He above all knows.
O Hallelujah to our Savior and Lord!
All praises come when we are on one accord.
Lift up your voices and sing along.
Join in with this anointed throng.
A total surrendering and emptying out.
Replenishing is what Salvation is about.
Jesus Saves!
Jesus Cares!
Jesus Loves like none else can do.
Let Him come in
And salvage you!
Mercy cried and
Our blessed Savior bled and died.
He did that all just for you!
But He Rose Again.
He got up!
Yes, He did that for you, too!
Come taste of God's great Grace --
His free and fervent Gift.
Come draw near to us
And help His praises lift!
WordSpeak Copyright (c) 1999-2011.
Original Musings by Rev. Lainie Dowell
The Mountainside Ministries. Columbia, MD.
All rights reserved worldwide.
Not to be reprinted without permission.
Tear Drops And T(EAR) Spots
Time to get serious about God's business.
Who can endure except that God be with them?
Trouble is all around on every hand.
God's women are crying out all over this land.
Children are hanging onto the skirttails of women.
Women have become the beast of burden.
Loaded down with the tossed asides and leftovers and
wretched and torn and tattered lives of loved ones
(at least on her part)
who yet toss her aside.
Teardrops and T(ear)spots.
Serious business is at hand.
Women looking sharp and glamorous -- outside.
Bloodied and battered and bruised -- inside.
Deceiving no one -- just a lie.
Needing attention from everyone.
But does it come?
Not from this realm.
Does it go forth?
Who can tell?
Getting tired of women being damned to hell.
Getting tired of women being tossed aside.
Getting tired of women being driven to mental institutions.
Getting tired of women carrying "monkeys" on their backs.
Child monkeys.
Lover monkeys.
Church monkeys.
Pill monkeys.
Drink monkeys.
Drudged up accusations and
Misplaced accolations.
Monkeys all.
"Monkey see --
Monkey do
Has become the rallying
Cry in God's House.
Damned tired.
(If offended, just continue
to keep your eyes shut
and your ears closed
and your mouth sealed!)
Who heard their cries?
Who saw their pain?
Who soothed their fears?
Who rose from the grave?
Who came to save and deliver?
Who speaks from on high.
Who hears your cry.
Who loves and cares from afar
Yet stood to speak where you are.
Who controls time, tide, and all.
Who answers when you call.
Who bled and died
Still answers every time
He hears your cry.
WordSpeak Copyright (c) 1999-2011.
Original Musings by Rev. Lainie Dowell
The Mountainside Ministries. Columbia, MD.
All rights reserved worldwide.
Not to be reprinted without permission.
Salt And The Salt Shaker
Just a pinch of salt will make everything better.
But Lord where is the salt?
It is in the Shaker.
But Lord where is the Shaker?
It is on the Table.
But Lord where is the Table?
It is by the Door.
But Lord where is the Door?
What Lord?
The Door.
Where Lord?
Reach out your hand and take it.
How Lord?
Why Lord?
When Lord?
Who Lord?
My Lord?
O Lord?
Now my child why trouble yourself
When you know I AM ~
The Salt that preserves your soul.
The Table that holds your bowl.
The Door that opens to take you in.
The Shaker that . . . .
Yes Lord??
Watch me child as I Shake and Pour.
Come take this bowl and stand by the Door.
But Lord what am I waiting for?
And Lord how much longer must I endure?
For as long as the day is long.
Stand by me ~ you are weak I am strong.
For as surely as there is breath in your soul
I AM Shaking down Salt to make you whole.
Peer now child into your bowl.
Look deep within your soul.
O Lord it is filling up with Salt!
It is brimming over as you taught.
The salt needs its Shaker.
I AM the Preserver of the Preserver.
A pinch is all you need.
Place it on that wound Beloved
And watch it start the blood.
"OH The Blood of Jesus" (-Hymn)
WordSpeak Copyright (c) 1999-2011.
Original Musings by Rev. Lainie Dowell
The Mountainside Ministries. Columbia, MD.
All rights reserved worldwide.
Not to be reprinted without permission.
WordSpeak Thy Voice of Freedom
Lord -- I am so RESTLESS now.
O how I want to preach your word of liberation. But why must that liberating word come from out of oppressiveness? And why must it be overbearing and overwrought with overall bigotry in the land? Why can't "nice" words like "please", "thank you", "would you mind?" suffice for our cause? Why must it be that words like "demand," "no more," "enough," speak our desires?
God quieted those -- even those -- silent tears, never to fall no more. God answered those fervent prayers from high up in Glory. That same head that's found 'round about God's Throne? Not in vain! Not in vain! No-- not in vain
"If I can help somebody as I pass along, then my living will not be in vain." (song)
God have mercy on my soul!
The voice of freedom calls my name. It compels me onward through the black sea of maledom and femaledom that have united for the cause of self-sameness to carry on the tradition and doctrine of men instead of the gospel of a true and living God. The voice of freedom compels me to rise up against the doctrines of men to preach and teach the gospel of Christ.
"If it wasn't for the Lord, (somebody), tell me where would (we) be?"
Probably still being transported as cargo and chattel in ships specially built to maximize space and minimize comfort.
The voice of a woman is supposed to be sweet and "respectful" and polite and "feminine" and submissive even in the midst of raps upside the head and body blows hit hard against our breasts and knees in our groin --
The same groin that birthed man and boy that he should turn on us?
A black woman laid near death just so he could live.
The same hard blows to the breast that suckled a frail son who grew to be a powerful man.
The raps upside the same head that held the eyes that shed relentless tears late in the midnight hour.
The same head that held the ears that heard man-size cries coming from out of little boy mouths.
The same head that held the mother's mouth that opened wide to lift up her prayers unto the God who neither slumbers nor sleeps. And, through it all,
That same head held high still as it lay a'restin' in the grave.
Because in the end God rested that same head upon His own breast.
God soothed the furrowed brow never to frown no more.
God calmed that bleeding heart never to bleed no more.
Thank God it is all under the Precious BLOOD of Jesus.
WordSpeak Copyright (c) 1999-2011.
God's Own Love Song
From The Heart of God to You!
More than ever, the
Melody of God's Own Love Song!
My beloved child of my own heart.
Happy Birthday!
There will never be another Song
For me then the Song of God's own love.
Give Him all the praise.
Man could not love you
In the way that God does.
Because God's love is pure.
Man's love is from dust.
It is so easily dissipated
By a tiny burst of wind.
New fallen snow on a clear day.
We should never ever want any
Mixture of man to spoil the
Beauty of the moment when
We could have all of God's
Love all of the time.
For all of mankind who believe On Jesus.
WordSpeak Copyright (c) 1999-2011.
One Perfect Rose of Sharon
In God's Garden of Life
But He did not hide Him away.
He gently picked Him up
In the palm of His mighty hand
And sent Him on His way.
God gave His Only Begotten Son to come to everyone
And it's in His holy name we pray.
God gave His Only Son to come to everyone
Yes He came to set the captives free.
So it's in His holy name we ever more proclaim
That in Him we have the victory.
Will you turn Him aside?
Will you run away and Hide?
Will you invite Him to come inside
And lose your foolish pride?
Invite Him to come into your heart to stay.
There's just one perfect Rose
In God's Garden of Life.
There were no thorns on Him at all.
He came as only He could do
To redeem mankind from the fall.
By the power of God's great hand
He gave His salvation to man.
God gave us His one perfect Rose.
There were no thorns on Him
Save the thorns pressed upon His brow.
They pierced Him in His side
His Hands and feet were tied.
They nailed Him to the tree
At a place called Calvary.
He did not say a word.
Not one mumbling word was heard.
He just bowed His head.
And there He bled and died.
But oh T'was from Calvary I heard Him whom I adore
Lift His voice to heaven's gates and proclaim forever more.
Tho' I were dead,
Yet do I now live.
T'was God's to give.
T'was God's to give.
'Tis yours to now take.
T'was done for you.
T'was done for you.
T'was done for everybody's sake.
Freely given. Freely receive.
T'was done for everyone
Who would believe.
Won't you open up the door?
God gave His one perfect Rose
Who lives forevermore!Will you turn Him aside?
Will you run away and hide?
Will you let Him come in --
And turn you from your sin?
Invite Him in your heart today.
Invite Him in your heart to stay.
God gave His one perfect Rose.
Pure Gold, White Snow, Red Blood of Jesus
Jesus, pure and Holy
There upon that Hill of Glory
Wrapped up in God wholly.
Take upon Your own breast
The sins of all my wretchedness.
Wash the stains of my guilt away.
Uphold me that I will not stray.
Blessed Savior, I am Yours today.
Keep me, Lord,
Lo all along the way.
Saturday, February 05, 2011
Only One Leaf Left To Do Right In God's Sight

By Rev. Lainie Dowell
What will God do with one lone leaf
left on a branch of a dead tree and hanging low
but unreachable and in plain view
for all to see?
That leaf flies high and out of reach.
But for all who stop to see --
it shall teach.
God has mercy on a leaf that flies high.
And to keep out of reach, it touches the sky.
For all the other leaves that had fallen from the branch
had reached out too far and fell into a deep trance.
They had come under the spell of the tree
that they thought to be bigger than Me.
For that tree was all they could see.
I sent a bird to fly up there
to let them know soon that tree would be bare.
Alas, they heard My bird give My Word
but they just did not care.
Then, when Mine own lips began to blow,
the leaves hung fast but they had to go.
One by one and then oh so many more
soon found themselves lying upon
the earth's floor.
Sure enough the tree was bare
except for one lone leaf that remained hanging there.
The branches marvelled and to their shame,
they boasted in themselves and blasphemed
Jesus name.
Once covered in splendor, they now stood
to stand before God's glory.
And there also stood but one leaf alone
left hanging there to tell the story.
One leaf among many hanging upon a branch
one tree does not make.
For only God can take one leaf and
many branches awake.
Copyright (c) 2011 by Rev. Lainie Dowell.
The Mountainside Ministries.
All rights reserved worldwide
Rec'd by The Holy Spirit. Saturday, February 5, 2011, 12:15 P.M.

Praying as I go, because prayer is my fulltime preoccupation.
I am named by God to be ~
-Five-Fold Minister
-Wearer of the Mantle of The Office of Prophetess
-Wearer of the Iron Robe
-Silent Thunder
-God's Warrior Woman
-God's Emissary of War
Copyright © 1999-2011. The Mountainside Ministries.
Columbia, MD. All rights reserved worldwide.
Attribution. Request written permission.
I am Christian.
"I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ."